We've heard our international and island customers loud and clear. The price to ship wholesale Apparel Candy items overseas using traditional methods like USPS/FedEx is expensive. For some, this has actually been a deterrent in shopping with us at all. This shouldn't be the case. Taking this into consideration we began brainstorming ways to help you get our products at a more affordable price. When researching potential options, freight forwarders continuously came up as a top tier solution.
In this blog post we'll dive into what a Freight Forwarders are, how you can use them to ship Apparel Candy, and detailing how we'll be making this easier on you with our Freight Forwarders directory.
What is a freight forwarder?
According to Business Dictionary, a freight forwarder can be defined as a "firm specializing in arranging storage and shipping of merchandise on behalf of its shippers." Freight Forwarders basically take on all of the work of shipping goods for a fee. Given that the hardest part about importing/exporting goods is navigating the logistics and rules/regulations of various countries, freight forwarders are experts at supply chain and can assist on all levels. What you're paying for when you use a Freight Forwarder is their knowledge and expertise. You may be able to ship internationally and pay the fees, but more than likely you're not getting the best of the best. It's these firms business to get the best of the best, and the proof is in freight forwarding experiencing continuous growth as an industry.
Why should you use a freight forwarder?
The biggest hassle for buyers when considering international shipping is the logistics. How to ship; air, land, or sea. Where to store the goods; cargo storage, freight storage. And the fees alone to ship and store goods. With more fees like; insurance, customs, lawyers. There is so much red tape to go through in order to ship goods that many buyers opt to shop local. As business owners know, you need options. And without the option to import/export goods internationally, those options drop significantly. With a freight forwarder you'll be decreasing the amount of stress international shipping can create. Instead of the logistics, your main concern will be following all of their directions and keeping up to date on necessary paperwork and payments.
Apparel Candy freight forwarders directory
Knowing about freight forwarders is the first step to getting your wholesale Apparel Candy goods shipped to you. As we previously mentioned, there have been many buyers who have expressed their concerns of the high prices of traditional shipping, or simply can't justify the costs. And we heard you. Bringing freight forwarders to your attention via this blog post is only the first step. We will be creating a directory of reputable freight forwarding business' to assist with your needs. As there is no one size fits all approach to freight forwarding, bringing a highly researched freight forwarder directory to our customers will hopefully allow all those in need of one, to find the perfect fit.
Our directory will include freight forwarders working cross-continentally to bring their customers the best service guaranteed. Regions include The Americas, North America, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean Islands. With dozens of countries where current/future Apparel Candy buyers are located. Where exactly? Our directory will feature firms working across: Canada, Mexico, The Caribbeans, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, The Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands, British Virgin Islands, Aruba, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina.
Don't see your country? No worries, this is only the beginning. This is also just those countries being covered under our directory. That is not to say that you can not find a freight forwarder to work with you. And if you do, let us know, and we can add it to our list. Think of this as a collaborative process. If you use our directory, let us know! We want to know how it goes, and who know, we may even do a profile on you for this very blog!
We're currently getting the directory ready for publishing, and will make an announcement when it's out! Check your emails and look out for any Apparel Candy communications as this is not something you'll want to miss. Until then, happy shopping!